Supporting our St. Agnes community is easy!

To make a one-time or recurring gift, use the GIVE ONLINE NOW button here on the page.

Electronic and online giving accounts for over 25% of all donations to St. Agnes. It’s safe, reliable, and easy! And remember, any amount is a valued contribution towards our ministry.

Thank you!

Below you will find additional details that outline two complete options for you to consider.
Let us know if you have any questions.

Online Giving Managed by St. Agnes

With Managed giving by St. Agnes, we set up your online giving according to your wishes. You choose the fund, the amount, and how often you wish to contribute. You can use a credit card or bank account. Once we set up your online giving, we do NOT have access to your credit card or bank information. Like other sites, we will only have the last 4 digits of the account number. We can change, add, reduce, or delete your giving choices at any time with your authorization.

To sign up for this option download the Electronic Giving Form and return it to the Parish Office.

Online Giving Managed by Parishioner

If you wish to maintain the management of your giving, you simply set up an account on our Online Giving page of the website, submit the relevant bank or credit card information, and St. Agnes receives your donation directly into St. Agnes’ checking account. You can do this as a recurring donation or just one time. Any changes you wish to make, you will have a log in and password to get into your account to make those changes.

Go manage your own giving, click the button below to set up regular or one-time donations.