Haunted House Murder Mystery
June 14, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
The St. Agnes Youth Group and the Shepherdstown Presbyterian Youth Group are joining forces for an evening of fun, food and mystery! On Friday, June 14, our combined youth groups will present a murder mystery dinner theater with a Halloween/haunted house theme at the Shepherdstown Community Club.
The fun will start from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm with hors d’oeuvres and drinks, with dinner starting at 7. The food will have an Italian theme, expertly prepared by Jeremy Yates. At 8, our youth groups will present an evening of music and mystery, to be solved by a very special guest! We’ll try to wrap up everything by 9:30 to meet everyone’s bedtime, and make sure the responsible party or parties faces their richly deserved justice! So, please join us and support Shepherdstown youth. The cost is $20 per person for dinner and a show, and all proceeds will go toward youth group activities at both churches.
Reservations are strongly encouraged, so we know how much food to prepare. Please make your reservation online. Alternatively, you can reserve a seat by calling the St. Agnes Parish Office at 304-876-6436 or emailing to office@StAgnesShepherdstown.org.