The Landscape Committee is responsible for landscaping at the Church and historic Chapel. Our goal is to help make the Church’s outdoor landscape an asset that is enjoyed by the parish community and enhances the experience of everyone coming to St. Agnes. We want to help the Church adhere to good environmental practices by the use of native species and an ecological approach to care and maintenance. We strive to follow the spirit of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter Laudato Sí. The planting scheme used throughout the Church grounds follows a design developed in 2011. The committee uses this design as a ‘living document’ that is changed, enhanced, and updated over time.
To meet our goals, the committee plays both an active and advisory role. We supply labor and expertise for landscape projects and enhancements, we sponsor workdays to the community as chance to actively participate in creating the landscape, and we provide guidance and expertise to the Parish staff for maintaining the grounds of the Church.
Everyone is welcome to become a member of the committee or can volunteer on a project-by-project basis. The Landscape committee is focused on building community while we take care of our environment. We host workdays to help with specific projects, such as pruning and seasonal planting.
Chair: Scott Hutton