Parish Life (A-Z)


Faith Formation


Service, Justice, Peace


The Music Ministry at St. Agnes is a liturgical ministry dedicated to the full, conscious and active participation of the assembly at worship. Christians express our unity best when we celebrate with one voice. This communal voice is enhanced through people with musical gifts who love to sing or play instruments.


The choir sings the 10:30 Mass on Sundays and is open to anyone who can carry a tune and likes people! It is most active during the Christmas and Easter liturgical seasons. The rehearsal commitment is only for these seasons. Other feasts are optional.


The role of the Cantor grows out of our choir. We look for individuals with a musical gift who are interested in leading the assembly at prayer, not sing for them. This calls for an interest in learning about liturgy, dialogue, musicianship, psalmody and pastoral ministry. Being a Cantor is a vocation.


Instrumentalists of any age who have played their instrument for more than three years are welcome to audition for the Music Ministry. We will work with YOUR schedule. College students and young adults are especially welcome.

Tech and Support Ministers

We always welcome volunteers to support the music program. Those interested in helping to change hymn board numbers, operate sound equipment, or help with library or clerical duties are always needed, more than welcome, and considered to be part of the Music Ministry.

Interested in serving in the Music ministry? Contact the music director for more information or with any questions.

Contact: Dr. Elaine Rendler