St. Agnes Community

“We are not called to serve merely in order to receive a reward, but rather to imitate God, who made Himself a servant for our love.”

– Pope Francis

The mission of the Service, Justice, and Peace (SJP) committees is two-fold:

  • To assist parishioners in our gospel mission to serve the poor, the widow and the outcast.
  • To work for justice and peace in our country and our world – to transform society – to help the reign of God come.

Service, Justice, and Peace is a key element of Parish Life at St. Agnes. It includes several committees and a variety of projects focused on the areas of justice, peace, and human development. Each committee serves a specific need and the annual projects occur at specific times throughout the year. In addition, SJP educates the community by offering speaker presentations and offers financial support for various funds and disaster relief needs.

We are always looking for volunteers for each committee and project. Take a look at what we currently have going on at the local, national, and global level and consider lending a hand.

Contact us with any questions or for additional information.
SJP Ministry Coordinator: Louise Fitzgerald – or 304.707.1701

Annual Projects and Activities

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is a special collection held annually in July.

CCHD was started by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops in 1969 as an antipoverty initiative intended to attack the root causes of poverty. In the Wheeling Charleston Diocese, this program is the responsibility of a Local Advisory Committee of five members currently from Charleston, Clarksburg, Huntington, Wheeling, and Shepherdstown (St Agnes). In recent years this committee has obtained grants for two West Virginia entities: a Catholic Worker House helping the poor and homeless with employment and other issues, and the Wheeling Food Hub developing a commercial kitchen, retail facility, and warehouse in an urban food desert. Consideration of a grant to another West Virginia entity, Able Families in the Kermit community, is in the beginning stages.

The annual school supplies project, which takes place every August, is coordinated with Shepherdstown Elementary School. The school provides a list of needed supplies and the delivery date. The information is provided to parishioners and collection points are set up in the church and parish center.

The Jesse Tree Project is the annual Christmas project undertaken by St. Agnes parish to assist local folks during the holiday season.

Service, Justice, and Peace Committees

Meals for the hungry
Racial Justice
Food donations
Haiti Coffee
Ugly Sleeping Bags