St. Agnes Community

Catholic Formation is a lifelong process and our goal at St. Agnes is to provide the kind of foundation for our children and youth that supports a desire to live out our faith daily.  We offer weekly classes for children in kindergarten through Confirmation.

Our CFF program strives to stand on Jesus Christ and the Trinity by living the example of our Catholic faith which Jesus gave us, passing on our beautiful faith to our children, and constantly seeking out and teaching others to seek the answers to the following:

  • How can we meet Jesus?
  • How can we know Jesus?
  • How can we love Jesus?

To help our young people build a foundation of faith, we integrate catechetical and curriculum-based learning with service, experiential, and retreat opportunities in order to build up both a knowledge of the Church and Her teachings; as well as foster a foundational encounter with the Living God.  We prepare children for First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation.

CFF Registration

Enroll your child (Pre-K-Confirmation) in our religious education program at St. Agnes.
Download the CFF Registration Form.
Complete the Photo-video Consent Form (18 years of age and younger).

If you can help out with our program as a Catechist or assistant, please let us know.

CFF Class Information

Visit the Pflaum website for class resources.

CFF classes are held on Sundays at 9:15 in the Parish Center. This is between the 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM Masses. Anyone who is unable to attend in person can still attend via Zoom.

Visit the Zoom website to test your computer/device for the Zoom classes.

Read about protecting our children with the Safe Environment Program.