Mass Times

Saturday: 5:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 AM

Mon & Wed: 11:00 AM

Saturday 4:30‐5:00

Current Bulletin

Keeping up with St. Agnes

Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey
Please take some time to complete the DMI Survey before the February 11 deadline.

February is Black History Month
Check out our series of commentaries on African American Spirituals and other resources and links.
Commentary Series Week 2:
Origins of the Spirituals – Distinctive black religious singing

Envisioning a Livable Future
An online conference serious running from now until fall 2025. Registration is on the John Carroll University website

Celebrating the Life and Art of Cynthia Huesman
The Cynthia Huesman Memorial Art Sale at the Firehouse Gallery in Charles Town, WV. January 30 – February 23.

St. Agnes Grant from Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT)
Read about the latest happenings going on related to the CBT Grant.

Daily Readings
Upcoming funerals
Listen to Homilies
Parish Council Minutes
join our email list

Stay Connected

Inclement Weather Policy

CONTINUING FAITH FORMATION (CFF): It is that time of year when we need to be prepared for inclement weather! Should we experience wintry precipitation, we will do our best to make a decision regarding in person CFF class by 8pm the evening prior. All updates will be posted on the website or you may call the parish office and listen to the recording.
WEEKDAY MASS: If Jefferson County Schools are delayed or closed, there will be no weekday Mass.
PARISH OFFICE: The Parish Center office will follow the school system’s decision and will be closed if schools are closed.