Parish Life (A-Z)


Faith Formation


Service, Justice, Peace


Liturgical Ministers serve the public worship of the Church community. Together, the ministers support the full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgical celebrations.

Parishioners are welcome to participate in any of these ministries. The ministries includes everything from Altar Servers and Eucharistic Ministers to Music and Art in the liturgical space. Some of the ministries require initial training and the time commitment for volunteers varies by the ministry.

The Associate of Liturgy Ministry at St. Agnes oversees the Liturgical Ministry. Let us know if you are interested in participating.

Contact: Helen Harris

Altar Servers

The role of Alter Server is very critical to the Liturgy. Altar Servers support the celebration of the Liturgy by assisting in certain ritual functions, such as; Servers carry the cross, carry the incense and censer, holding the book for the Presider, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts or assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary. such as carrying the cross during processions, and assisting in certain practical matters, including setting the altar table, and more. etc.).

Training for Altar Servers can begin in fourth grade and includes learning all the parts of the Mass and how to perform the required duties and and the various objects used in the liturgy (their names and use). It may also include many months of serving with an experienced mentor to gain confidence. Many Altar Servers participate throughout middle school and high school. Adults also serve in this ministry. The Server should set an example to the congregation by active participation in the liturgy (hymns, responses, etc.), by looking alert and sitting or standing at the appropriate times.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Also known as Eucharistic Ministers or Bread and Cup Ministers are confirmed and must be at least 16 years of age. These ministers are also commissioned by the bishop to assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the St. Agnes community during the Mass. Some volunteers also deliver the Eucharist to members of our parish who are homebound and/or in a nursing home as part of the Bread and Cup Ministry to the Homebound.

Hospitality Ministers

Hospitality ministers are so much more than ushers. It’s not just about finding you a seat in our worship space, it’s about welcoming both parishioners and visitors into the life of our liturgy. You’ll find the Hospitality Ministers are often the first to arrive and the last to leave each liturgy. We have found many families have enjoyed doing this ministry together.


The Ministry of the Lector is a person who agreed to serve the Church as a proclaimer of the Word of God. The introduction to the Lectionary for Mass also calls for a spiritual preparation for proclaiming the Word of God. When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself is speaking because he is present in his word. Therefore, the readings from the Word of God are to be listened to reverently by everyone, for they are an element of the greatest importance in the Liturgy. Lectors will be trained both in knowledge of Scripture and good principles of public speaking.

Sacristan/Mass Coordinator

Welcome to the Mass Coordinator/Sacristan Ministry! This is a very rewarding and meaningful ministry to assist with the smoothness of the liturgy. This ministry requires extensive training to learn more about the Mass and the preparation of our liturgical celebrations.

A Mass Coordinator/Sacristan has three main roles:

  • Security (of the sacristy and most importantly, the Eucharist)
  • Mass Set Up and Clean Up
  • Mass Coordinator.

Sacristans serve all three roles for each assigned mass, though some of the roles may play a bigger part than others, depending on the mass. In order to serve this ministry, you must be a practicing Catholic and fully initiated member of the Catholic faith who attends Mass regularly.

Contact: Helen Harris