Adult Faith Formation (Formation)
Altar Servers
Becoming Catholic (Formation)
Book Discussion Group
Bread & Cup to the Homebound
Catechists (Formation)
Child Faith Formation (Formation)
Coffee Service
Columbarium Services (Governance)
Community Garden
Emergency Response Team
Environment and Arts
Eucharistic Ministers
Finance Council (Governance)
Food Donations/Helping Neighbors
Game Day
Haiti Coffee Project (Service)
Hispanic Outreach (Community)
Hospitality Ministers
Knights of Columbus
(Partner Organization)
Kolofata Girls Education
Landscape Committee

Laudato Sí Initiative
Linen Laundry
Mary’s Refuge (Partner Organization)
Maintenance Committee
Meals for the Hungry
Music Ministry
Nursing, Health, and Wellness
Parish Council (Governance)
Parish Picnic
Personnel Committee (Governance)
Prayer Shawl

Racial Justice Initiative

Sacristan/Mass Coordinator
Scripture Sharing (Formation)
Second Friday Prayer Group
Small Faith Groups
St. Vincent de Paul
(Partner Organization)
Ugly Sleeping Bags
Welcome Committee
Youth Group